Eye Diseases

Diagnosis and treatments of refraction disorders, eyeglasses and contact lens application, various eye operations, cross eye and children eye diseases, neuro-ophthalmology, high eye pressure (glaucoma), retina diseases, cornea diseases are performed; and oculoplastic surgery is operated in our hospital’s Eye Disease Clinic.

Orthopedy and Traumatology

Diagnosis and treatment of breaks and traumas occurred after accidents, joint diseases, degenerative and rheumatic muscle and skeletal system diseases; and the operation of arthroscopic surgery, accident surgery and prothesis surgery are performed in our hospital’s Orthopedy and Traumatology policlinic. Arthroscopic Surgery Diagnostic and surgical attempts are performed without opening joints (outside) with a special […]


Cosmetic dentistry, teeth bleaching, gingiva periodontology, surgical treatment, implant, dental treatment and endodontics, prothesis and child mouth/tooth health treatments are performed in our hospital’s Dentistry Policlinic. Dental Surgery Impacted tooth distraction, implant, apicoectomy, tooth extraction, alveolitis treatment are performed. Apex Locate: Apex measurement (detection of the length of tooth root canal) is a significant success criteria […]

Brain And Nerve Surgery

Our hospital’s neurosurgery policlinic, beside of a headache, backache and neckache treatments; head traumas, spinal surgery, peripheral nerve surgery and diagnosed epilepsy are treated and tracked. Brain-Nerve Surgery Spontaneously occurred cerebral bleeding and embolism are diagnosed and treated. Peripheral Nerve Surgery Incarceration neuropathies (carpal tunnel etc.) is operated. Neurotomy is treated microscopically. Spinal Surgery Disk […]

Children Health and Diseases

Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of 0-15 aged children are available in our hospital’s children health and children disease policlinic. Our patients can contact and reach our expert doctors for 24 hours if required. Neonatal All babies born in our hospital are provided to nurse his/her mother in 1 hour at the latest after his/her […]


In our hospital’s dermatology policlinic diagnosis, observation, tracking and treatment of the following disease are available; skin and sexually transmissible diseases, skin and skin additions (hair, nail) diseases, adolescent acnes, eczemas, psora disease (psoriasis), surficial fungus diseases (candidiasis, tinea), skin and soft tissue infections occurred after various bacterias and (warts, erysipelas, impetigos) and nevus.

Ear Nose and Throat

Our hospital’s ENT policlinic gives following services to our patient; baby hearing test, diagnostic attempts regarding hearing losses, digital endoscopic monitoring, voice disease examination with flexible Naso pharyngoscopy, functional and aesthetical nose operations, adenoid, tonsillar, endoscopic sinusitis operations, eardrum treatment and operation for ear infections, putting tube in ear and salivary gland operations, treatments of […]


Diagnosis and treatments of cardiovascular diseases are performed in our hospital’s cardiology policlinic. Pulse holter, ambulatory blood pressure monitorization ( tension holter ), temporary pacemaker, pericardiocentesis, effort test, coloured Doppler echocardiography, Multi Slice VCT Coroner angiography tests are performed. Effort Test Continous observation of ECG and recording the results in particular frequencies while patient exercises […]

Internal Diseases

Diagnosis, treatment and tracking of Diabetes, thyroid diseases, blood disorders, infection diseases, rheumatic diseases, kidney and kidney diseases and unknown grievances are performed in our hospital’s Internal Policlinic. Check-up and protective services are performed. What Is Hematology? Hematology is the field examines the malfunctions caused by blood, blood generating organs (bone marrow, spleen) and lymphatic […]